Sunday 20 March 2011

Google Reader (1000+)

"6 people liked this

We've got a new build of Defraggler for 2011. It's more stable, smaller and faster than ever!

Release notes:
Improvements to speed and accuracy of the search algorithm.
Redesigned NTFS processes for optimized speed and memory.
Improved event handling with Windows 7.
Improved scheduling for non-admin users.
Fixed issue that caused drive icons to disappear from the drive list.
Fixed issue that caused the Analyze button to be incorrectly drawn during long tasks.
Improved handling of long non-English strings in options dialog.
Fixed issue with fragmentation percent when drive contains sparse files.
Moved about dialog to a separate window.
Improved error logging in Windows 7.
Minor GUI changes and tweaks.
Minor bug fixes.

Download Defraggler now from"

Source : Google Reader

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