Monday, 28 March 2011

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"by tanya-j

Garmin Australia Oztopo v.2.1
2011 | ENG | 2.63 GB

Not just a contour map, and detailed topographic map of 1:25000 scale.
The coverage area - the Australian continent and Tasmania, including roads, off-road trails, hiking trails (Belarusian partisans), and more."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"by foxlist

MEDIARevolution 3.4.1 | 21.4 MB

By it's enormous function range and the support of numerous media formats MEDIARevolution is the only Player you really need on your PC! Apart from playing video and audio files as well as DVD's, you get a complete media administration and a digital video recorder. The product rounds useful aid flax for the daily work to an almost inexhaustible Multimedia component system off. Nevertheless it requires only a comparatively small memory and processor extent of utilization."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"by Book-share

Common Mistakes Singles Make by Mary S. Whelchel Revell | 1999 | ISBN: 0800757114 | 160 pages | PDF | 10 MB
Dating and marriage. Financial planning. Career choices. Family relationships. Friendships with the opposite sex. Christian singles struggle with these issues every day. As a single woman herself, Mary Whelchel is familiar with the pitfalls that ensnare single people. She understands how frustrations, desires, and longings can lead to mistakes and offers practical, biblical solutions."

Source : Google Reader

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"Using eScan, even large objects like full-size sofas can be captured using some tape and black markers to create recognizable surface points. Each of the scans we took merged effectively, creating a CAD file that locked in very intricate and beautiful carving of the original piece.

If at any time we ran into problems or issues, Satish would do some problem-solving and think of new ways to capture the scans and merge them accurately.
After a software upgrade the processing speed time was reduced significantly.

I look forward to continuing our valuable work with the EScan system and producing furniture pieces that continually please our highly discerning clientele.

Lyman Chao
Anthony Chao
Shanghai, China"

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"After studying many scanners from a variety of manufacturers we made the right choice choosing EScan from 3D Digital Corp. Training was of course highly important—we accomplished this through online video conferencing with Satish at 3D Digital headquarters. He was very helpful in building our understanding of how the product works. Since Satish was new at scanning furniture we both faced a bit of a learning curve. Initially we ran into a few issues getting enough detail out of the scans and then piecing them together. But after some trial-and-error we had our staff well skilled in a working system for large and small items.

The EScan, versus competing products, has been the simplest to use, superior in user-friendliness to other units on the market. One competitor’s model that we demo’d required the application of an immense number of paper adhesive dots, which take hours to put in place and are difficult to remove. Compared to other scanners we looked at, the eScan was able to get the job done relatively easily."

Source : Google Reader

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"by admin
May 14, 2010

For 25 years our interior-design company, Anthony Chao, has specialized in silk-fabric products. From our origins in California we have built a primary presence in China over the last five years, establishing four Shanghai locations.

About two years ago we decided to expand from fabric-based pieces into custom furniture reproductions. That decision brought us into a product area that is much more “3D” than the fabric operation. Our core products—bedding, drapery, upholstery, even hand-painted wallpaper—are a challenge to produce at the highest standards, but furniture poses very different challenges.

It was because we knew the potential of 3D scanning that we even considered furniture production. We understood that 3D scanning’s reverse-engineering capabilities would enable us to create reproductions at super-high quality. We only needed to find a scanner unit and software that performed properly and reliably."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"Comparison of Next Breakthrough

In order to make it simple to understand lets use a comparison to demonstrate what this next advancement will be like. In photography we deal with 2 dimensional pictures. With a 3D laser scanner you can take a 3 dimensional picture of an object. When you watch a movie you watch it in 2D, the next advancement in 3D laser scanners would be comparable to making a movie with a 3D camera. This is extremely difficult to do and takes amazing amounts of technology to achieve.

Recently researchers in California used the super computer Dawn to simulate the cortex function of the brain. The test resulted in achieving results that were about 1/80th that of what the human brain processes. In order to make this next leap in technology test like this and similar studies will be needed to recreate what we see as humans. This is an extremely interesting topic and one that will bring much attention as results are achieved."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"by admin
3D laser scanners are an incredible tool that have come a long way since their invention. They have provided invaluable accuracy and benefit to the engineering, armed forces and entertainment industries. As technology continues to move forward there is a lurking question on what the next advancement is going to be with 3D laser scanners.

With the ability to recreate almost any object with precise accuracy many people wonder what the next advancement will be with the 3D laser scanner. Most engineers believe that the next advancement that will be the most notable and groundbreaking will be the ability to recognize live features and recreate and scan 3 dimensional movements. This is a little hard to grasp and is going to take some amazing computing technology, but engineers are already working to make this a reality."

Source : Google Reader

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"by Chris Dixon
1 person liked this

Pretty much every day now a major blog or newspaper writes an article asking whether we are experiencing another tech bubble (e.g. see today’s NYTimes).

I don’t know whether successful private companies like Groupon, Zynga, Facebook and Twitter are over or under priced since I don’t have access to their financials.

Regarding public tech companies, it seems to me that incredibly innovative companies like Apple and Google trading at 19 and 22 P/Es respectively is pretty reasonable.

Rather than take a side on the bubble debate, I mainly just wanted to make a few points that I think should be kept in mind in this discussion."

Source : Google Reader

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"As reported by the NYT, the election marked a huge shift in favor of the Green Party, a sign that Merkel's generally pro-nuclear stance was a major stumbling block for her.

In the days the Fukushima crisis began, Merkel has quickly moved to halt nuclear development, and review the safety of Germany's existing plants, and the general consensus is that such actions were transparently political. Well, if they were, they didn't help.

The ongoing bailouts in Europe don't seem to have played a huge role, although the impact will be felt.

From The Guardian:

For some, today's election is 'the beginning of the end' for Merkel. Jakob Augstein, a German commentator and publisher, wrote last week on Spiegel Online that if the CDU is ousted in the 'conservative heartland' of Baden-Württemberg, her position will be untenable.

'If the CDU is threatened with defeat here, then bad mistakes have been made. Merkel has made mistakes. And in her attempt to rectify the consequences, she has made even more,' he said. 'She has lost her political intuition.'

Join the conversation about this story »"

Source : Google Reader

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"by Joe Weisenthal

Angela Merkel's Social Democratic party suffered a resounding defeat in the region of Baden-Württemberg, historically a stronghold for the party."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"Let engineers do what they do best, and forget the rest.

This is probably the most important single point. Engineers at Google spend way too much time fussing about with everything other than engineering and product design. Focusing on shipping great, innovative products needs to be put before all else. Here’s a quick rundown of engineering frustrations at Google when I left:

Keep reading at Slacy's Blog >

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See Also:

Larry Page Is Whipping Google Execs Into Shape With Daily Bullpen Sessions
Google Will Continue Its Acquisition Binge This Year
Google, Microsoft, eBay, Yahoo And Facebook Trash AT&T-Mobile Deal"

Source : Google Reader

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"by Slacy

I worked at Google from 2005-2010, and saw the company go through many changes, and a huge increase in staff. Most importantly, I saw the company go from a place where engineers were seen as violent disruptors and innovators, to a place where doing things “The Google Way” was king, and where thinking outside the box was discouraged and even chastised.

So, here’s a quick list of things I think Larry could do to bring the startup feel back to Google:"

Source : Google Reader

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"Keep reading at Monday Note >

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See Also:

RIM Says Some Corporate Clients Want 'Several Tens Of Thousands' Of PlayBook Tablets
RIM CEO Says Carriers' 'Jaws Dropped' At New BlackBerry Phones
RIM Earnings LIVE At 4: Is Android Eating BlackBerry Sales?"

Source : Google Reader

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"by Jean-Louis Gassee, Monday Note
Once upon a time, the Blackberry was the king of smartphones.

After a succession of Psion PDAs and Palm devices, I loved my Blackberry, it was the perfect PIM (Personal Information Manager). Email, contacts and calendar functions worked well together — and Exchange integration was the killer Enterprise feature. It even made phone calls! On Verizon, that is.

Year after year, RIM kept improving its product and expanding its worldwide distribution. The Blackberry became de rigueur, addictive, justifiably earning its Crackberry nickname.

Shareholders weren’t disappointed either. Between February 1999 and June 2008, RIM stock gained $143/share, a rise of 7,793%:"

Source : Google Reader

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"But, on the same chart, we see RIM lost 11.23% of its value in one session, this past Friday March 25th.


As often, the answer is a combination: underlying trends + a trigger event..."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"After a succession of Psion PDAs and Palm devices, I loved my Blackberry, it was the perfect PIM (Personal Information Manager). Email, contacts and calendar functions worked well together — and Exchange integration was the killer Enterprise feature. It even made phone calls! On Verizon, that is.

Year after year, RIM kept improving its product and expanding its worldwide distribution. The Blackberry became de rigueur, addictive, justifiably earning its Crackberry nickname.

Shareholders weren’t disappointed either. Between February 1999 and June 2008, RIM stock gained $143/share, a rise of 7,793%:"

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"by Jean-Louis Gassee, Monday Note
Once upon a time, the Blackberry was the king of smartphones."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"Using eScan, even large objects like full-size sofas can be captured using some tape and black markers to create recognizable surface points. Each of the scans we took merged effectively, creating a CAD file that locked in very intricate and beautiful carving of the original piece.

If at any time we ran into problems or issues, Satish would do some problem-solving and think of new ways to capture the scans and merge them accurately.
After a software upgrade the processing speed time was reduced significantly.

I look forward to continuing our valuable work with the EScan system and producing furniture pieces that continually please our highly discerning clientele.

Lyman Chao
Anthony Chao
Shanghai, China"

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"After studying many scanners from a variety of manufacturers we made the right choice choosing EScan from 3D Digital Corp. Training was of course highly important—we accomplished this through online video conferencing with Satish at 3D Digital headquarters. He was very helpful in building our understanding of how the product works. Since Satish was new at scanning furniture we both faced a bit of a learning curve. Initially we ran into a few issues getting enough detail out of the scans and then piecing them together. But after some trial-and-error we had our staff well skilled in a working system for large and small items.

The EScan, versus competing products, has been the simplest to use, superior in user-friendliness to other units on the market. One competitor’s model that we demo’d required the application of an immense number of paper adhesive dots, which take hours to put in place and are difficult to remove. Compared to other scanners we looked at, the eScan was able to get the job done relatively easily."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"by admin
May 14, 2010

For 25 years our interior-design company, Anthony Chao, has specialized in silk-fabric products. From our origins in California we have built a primary presence in China over the last five years, establishing four Shanghai locations.

About two years ago we decided to expand from fabric-based pieces into custom furniture reproductions. That decision brought us into a product area that is much more “3D” than the fabric operation. Our core products—bedding, drapery, upholstery, even hand-painted wallpaper—are a challenge to produce at the highest standards, but furniture poses very different challenges.

It was because we knew the potential of 3D scanning that we even considered furniture production. We understood that 3D scanning’s reverse-engineering capabilities would enable us to create reproductions at super-high quality. We only needed to find a scanner unit and software that performed properly and reliably."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"Comparison of Next Breakthrough

In order to make it simple to understand lets use a comparison to demonstrate what this next advancement will be like. In photography we deal with 2 dimensional pictures. With a 3D laser scanner you can take a 3 dimensional picture of an object. When you watch a movie you watch it in 2D, the next advancement in 3D laser scanners would be comparable to making a movie with a 3D camera. This is extremely difficult to do and takes amazing amounts of technology to achieve.

Recently researchers in California used the super computer Dawn to simulate the cortex function of the brain. The test resulted in achieving results that were about 1/80th that of what the human brain processes. In order to make this next leap in technology test like this and similar studies will be needed to recreate what we see as humans. This is an extremely interesting topic and one that will bring much attention as results are achieved."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"by admin
3D laser scanners are an incredible tool that have come a long way since their invention. They have provided invaluable accuracy and benefit to the engineering, armed forces and entertainment industries. As technology continues to move forward there is a lurking question on what the next advancement is going to be with 3D laser scanners.

With the ability to recreate almost any object with precise accuracy many people wonder what the next advancement will be with the 3D laser scanner. Most engineers believe that the next advancement that will be the most notable and groundbreaking will be the ability to recognize live features and recreate and scan 3 dimensional movements. This is a little hard to grasp and is going to take some amazing computing technology, but engineers are already working to make this a reality."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"The 3D Scanner Need to be Portable

With the need to be portable an ever increasing need and demand in multiple industries, at 3D Digital Corp. we have developed not only the best portable 3D scanner and custom software but we have the best price to value comparison in the industry. You will not find another portable 3D scanner that will outperform our escan optix 400 scanner at a lower price. We recognize the demand and have met the need of our consumers. With clients like Proctor and Gamble and the US Navy our 3D scanners have been tested in multiple situations and performed to the highest level.

As we continue to develop the current technology the ability to take a 3d scan on the go will become easier and more doable. We are looking forward to the future and are excited with what we have accomplished and what we are developing."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"by admin
Over the past decade the 3D scanner has come a long way. One of the major improvements to the 3D scanner is the ability to be portable. What used to take up an entire room and was completely stationary can now be carried with you in a briefcase. The advancement is very similar to the computer industry where what used to take an entire building to house now can fit in a laptop computer. Most people remember math class and the story of the calculator and how the first calculator took up an entire room but now that same technology fits in the smallest spaces and in the early 90’s was popular to have on your watch."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"Supplying 3D Scanners to High Demand Clients

So what are you supposed to do about it? You need to look at getting your next 3d scanner from 3ddigitalcorp. We specialize in getting you the 3d scanner for your unique purposes. Whether you need a scanner for medical reasons or you are a contractor needing to use technology for your buildings, we can help set you up with the right tools at the right prices. Our client base is wide and varied; from dentists to the entertainment industry, and even the US Army, if you need a 3d scanner, we can help you get what you need.

There is no reason to settle for an inferior 3d scanner. This technology has made amazing strides in the past decade, and you can get a high quality 3d scanner for a relatively low price if you act quickly. Don’t settle for less! You can even set up a live demonstration to see what our 3d scanners can do when you contact us. The highest quality scanners are only moments away at our website; contact us today to find out what all we can do for you."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"by admin
In your business, you have come to rely on a lot of different tools for the different jobs that you do, and you need those tools to function well every time. It is no different when you are in the market for a high quality 3d scanner. You need a piece of equipment that will stand the test of time and function in the way that you need it to. You have probably seen articles suggesting that you can turn your own existing hardware into a 3d scanner, but what these articles do not tell you is that they are susceptible to breaking and sometimes cannot give you the quality data that you need."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"2: 3d scanners make computer generated images much more real and lifelike. You have probably seen poorly done CGI, and this is probably due to the fact that these images were created from scratch. With data from real world objects, the 3d model looks much more lifelike. One of the most popular recent films that have used 3d scanners to create CGI is Avatar.

1: The average price of 3d scanners is decreasing, while the quality of the scanner itself is increasing. As this technology becomes more commonplace this trend will continue. Expect to see more affordable and sophisticated versions of the 3d scanner in the near future. As with any new technology, continued innovation will make it a part of lives more and more every day."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"5: 3d scanners assisted in the renovation of several important historical statues in Italy. A team from Stanford scanned Michaelangelo’s statues, and the data gleaned was extremely important in these statues renovations. The David was the most notable statue scanned.

4: It is much easier to scan a real world object than to build the model from scratch. Making a model more lifelike without data to compare it to is extremely difficult. A 3d scanner can make this process go much faster.

3: There are several different forms of 3d scanners. Some use triangulation, others use lasers. All function in the same basic format though; by storing points along the surface of the object as data sets. The only thing that differs is how those data points are made."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"by admin
6: 3d scanners have been used in video games for years. This is done to more capture motion better for more realistic models and playing. Motion capture in sports games is one of the most common uses of 3d scanners in video games."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"With this data captured digitally, we are able to create a parametric profile, or a complete study of the landmarks of the face. This has potential for both security applications and medical study and treatment, as well. We are continuing to use our EScan 3D scanner for research of this type and others, deploying it on a monthly basis at least. Here at the university and in joint projects with our partners, including corporations and the University of Virginia, in the U.S., we expect to advance our studies very successfully with the help of 3D scanning technology.

We have repeated these experiments many times, and we are devising other projects that will call upon our 3D scanning capabilities. We use the EScan quite frequently."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"The EScan unit and software from 3D Digital Corp came to my attention via the company website. Based on the information I found there I decided to purchase the EScan, even though I had no chance to see the scanner and test it before I bought it. The EScan was well-priced and affordable, and the company stressed its reputation for service and assistance. That service and support has been reliably provided by 3D Digital Corp. I am certainly pleased with the choice of scanner company I made.

Having received helpful guidance from 3D Digital throughout installation and setup of the EScan, the first object I scanned was a rubber figure of the human body, a replica. My scan of this object worked well and I was able to capture the data I needed. In later experiments I have successfully scanned my own hand and also the face of a student."

Source : Google Reader

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"by admin
Sep 15, 2010

In my field of industrial physics and medical instrumentation we became aware of 3D scanning’s potential about four years ago. Other researchers were discussing three-dimensional scanning on the Internet and at research seminars.

As a professor at King Mongkut University of Technology, in North Bangkok, I am responsible for keeping our research facilities current with the standards of the field.
When I went looking for 3D scanning technology, I found it necessary to investigate many different sources and products. A variety of companies in Thailand were selling 3D scanners, and I studied the market carefully. One of the products I looked into was the 3D scanning system from Minolta. I was not sold on its capabilities."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"If a one of figures for the festival was well-received, I may want to reproduce it for the next year, perhaps in a different size or coloration. With the EScan 3D technology, I can take a file that is saved on a CD and load it back. From there it’s a simple matter to scale the figure up or down

I am using my scanner quite a lot now, because I have been commissioned to create 20 different figures for the 2011 festival. They will be five to eight feet in height when I am finished. In selecting a 3D laser scanner, I was drawn to the EScan because it works better and is even less expensive than many others. Truly, the most challenging part of learning to operate the 3D scanner was translating instructions from English to Spanish. After that, the technical part of it was easy."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"by admin
Wed Oct 5, 2010

In Spain, artists like me who create large-scale sculptures have learned how to use 3D scanning, with excellent results. Most of the figures I produce are used in traditional festivals, in and around Valencia, where my studio is. They range from four to 10 feet high and take from one to three weeks to produce. Three-dimensional scanning makes the work go much faster. Before, I would have to start from scratch by drawing on plates.

I first learned about three-dimension scanning technology on-line. There were various products to select from, but the EScan from 3D Digital seemed the best option. Because of this technology, I can now begin the process by molding a figure about 30 centimeters high. Once I have this model figure looking the way I want, I use the EScan 3D scanner to capture the surface geometry. Then I build up the piece to the size that’s needed, and cover it in paper and paint."

Source : Google Reader

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"One of the first benefits I noticed was the translation between the eScan scanner and our CNC machine, which is truly seamless. For one job, a Snoopy figure, United Artists supplied me with an artist’s maquette that was not the exact pose needed for the scaled-up figure. However, I was able to purchase a $3 Snoopy toy in the correct pose, scan it, submit the file and get it quickly approved. Brand standards are stringent about proportions and shapes, but with scanner technology I know what I send them is spot-on. There is great ease of use with eScan—carrying my laptop and the scanner into our main studio I can scan a human-size object in one morning, if I need to.

For a small additional investment we have upgraded our eScan to higher-resolution captures. Again, the result is great accuracy and even less finish work, especially on the peripheral geometry of complex pieces like a pioneer wagon and horse team. Our next upgrade will be a higher-resolution lens, and at that point we will be accurate up to two-thousandths of an inch, which the human eye basically can’t detect."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"Anyone with a CNC machine who builds from 3D models is in dire need of 3D scanning capabilities, whether they know it or not. Once we had our eScan unit installed and working, it was hard to imagine not having it. It’s the classic case of acquiring a tool and right away wondering how you ever managed to get along without it.

At first my research into 3D scanner units was discouraging. The prices were prohibitive and there were lots of functional limitations. I was faced with having to recommend investments of $30,000 to $40,000 in order to bring this technology into our shop—not a viable option. Then I became aware of 3D Digital and eScan, priced in the $7,000 range. I was encouraged not only by the pricing but by the company’s longevity and solid reputation. For a product that needs support and for which you’ll likely want upgrades, this is vital. Most of the high-priced scanner suppliers I had looked at in the beginning are not even in business now."

Source : Google Reader

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"Accuracy and highest-quality fabrication are required by our clients, some of whom place orders for pieces that rise 65 feet in height. However it is the work we do creating branded characters from licensor studios like United Artists that is perhaps the most exacting. Large-format custom cutting had been done in the past without the help of 3D digital scanning, but our efficiency and quality have greatly improved since the addition of an eScan laser scanner from 3D Digital Corp.

Without a doubt our eScan laser scanner is an incredible time-saver. In the past, when a customer would send us a maquette (a small scale model or rough draft of an unfinished architectural work or sculpture) we prepared ourselves for extensive measurements and hand work to scale that model up as a faithful reproduction. Several years ago, in my role as 3-D modeler at Weber Group, I began to look at 3-dimensional scanning as a means of streamlining our design-build process while bolstering our quality control."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"by admin
Jan 11, 2011

When amusement parks, museums, zoos, and resorts need large-scale character figures, they look to our company, the Weber Group, to build them. The finished products are installed to attract and delight paying customers, though few visitors would guess how much technology and engineering goes into these massive recreations of Snoopy, a pioneer horse team or reproduction terra cotta warriors from a Chinese emperor’s tomb site."

Source : Google Reader

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"The amount of scanning I do now is pretty intense. I’m loading my archive prop by prop, and of course using existing stock to help me easily create the next order. Repeat customers and volume orders are now easily produced. Years from now I may not be scanning my existing propeller stock, because the files will all be loaded. But I am sure I will always be scanning every new blade I produce. Then finally there will be established asset value to my company for the future."

Source : Google Reader

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"Before I even ordered my eScan3D™ scanner, Satish suggested that he set the focal length more specific to my type of work than the standard length. I’ve done some of my own customizing to the scanner workstation, setting up parallel rails for the scanner to ride along as it captures the prop surface. Because carbon fiber is black and not easy for the laser to “see,” and also because prop blades are so lacking in surface variation, I created a “contextual frame” to help the alignment software. They are stealth-looking triangles that float in mid-air. Connected to flexible copper rods clamped onto the work table, they can be easily placed for triangulation so the files will mesh beautifully."

Source : Google Reader

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"Sometimes that’s a reduction in span, or a thinning or thickening of portions of the blade, or a change to the “pitch” (the twist profile of a prop blade). Then off it goes to the CNC. The propellers start as a laminated maple blank, then bias plies of fiberglass are laminated over the wood core. Up to 36 plies are used on the three bladed propellers. On the blade itself, the laminates of fiberglass build up to .080 inch thick from root to tip. The fiberglass is more than a protective shell, it is the structural member of the blade. In most cases now we also use Carbon Fiber for increased structural stiffness."

Source : Google Reader

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"The first scanner company I talked to had a unit that was priced well under the 3D Digital eScan but they wanted to charge me $60 an hour for training. I asked them if I flew to you with one of my propellers, could you show me how your scanner would work for me? They proceeded to tell me they would charge me $100 a scan! I didn’t like that idea so I kept looking. When I first talked to Satish at 3D Digital Corp. he said I could fly from California out to Connecticut and get trained in person for no charge. So I did that, bringing along a sample propeller. I had a lot of questions about the effectiveness of the process and Satish just kept giving me the right answers. When I watched him scan it and create the digital file of its complete surface contour I felt like someone had robbed me. It was shocking to think that all that custom individual work could be captured so quickly and accurately. Obviously, that was the missing piece of my entire production process. I now had the catalyst to make my company fully digital for CNC manufacturing. Now I take a product I’ve already built, scan it and reverse-engineer the resulting file with the tweaks I want to add."

Source : Google Reader

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"For years I endeavored to become a preferred source of custom propellers and build a viable company. I realized not long ago that Catto Propellers had succeeded in part of that but failed in another part. We had clients and revenue and profits, but no assets. All of the 1,000-plus design-and-build jobs in our files were of the “one-off” variety.

That’s what got me thinking about 3D digital scanning, so for a couple of years I asked all the smart people I knew in aerospace and other tech fields what they knew about the subject. Surprisingly, none of them had any direct experience with it. I wasn’t trained in engineering but I have a pretty persistent mind when I’m looking for technology to do my work better, so I kept at it."

Source : Google Reader

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"FEB 08, 2011,

My customers are people who fly homebuilt airplanes, and they tend to have distinct individual personalities. What they need by way of aircraft performance is specific and distinct as well. Our company, Catto Propellers, is in the business of design, analysis and manufacturing of composite propellers for the Long Eze, Lancair and RV series of aircraft, along with many design specific military projects . Several world speed and altitude records have been set with Catto Propellers and still stand—an achievement we take pride in. One NASA project had Catto Propellers that flew in excess of 82,000 feet. Just two months ago, the world records were set with Catto Propellers."

Source : Google Reader

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"by admin

Prop Shop: Craig Catto's laser scanning station has rails to slide the propellers along and a framework that helps create alignment points for his scans."

Source : Google Reader

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"Out students come from a wide array of European countries, arriving with a fair knowledge of the traditional mechanical calculations long been required for linking three-dimensional objects to CAD platforms. They are usually surprised, very pleasantly, to learn there is such a thing as 3D laser scanning that allows them to reverse-engineer quickly and accurately.

In Europe, a University College is for practical instruction—it’s not the top level of higher learning. Because we offer a rigorous course in reverse engineering using laser scanners, we own a recruitment advantage. It has allowed us to build our program from 18 students two years ago to our current class of 60, which is near the maximum we can accept. Government support for education provides funding based on class size, so more students equals more budget dollars. Obviously the investment in our scanner lab has been valuable for the institution."

Source : Google Reader

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"We find our students love this process. As instructors, we are often amazed at the speed and quality of their work. Last semester one product concept was handlebars for a mountain bike. The modeling was done in clay and revised until a finished model was produced. Using the Optix laser scanner from 3D Digital Corp., students captured the surface geometry of the model and put it into our CAD system. From there they continue to the stage of a completed prototype.

As I set up the program several years ago I evaluated laser scanners and software packages, looking for quality and affordability. Our short list of scanners came down to a a major competitor unit and the Optix by 3D Digital Corp. We decided Optix was the better choice. It had the advantages of being stationary, accurate enough, fairly easy to operate and well-priced. I knew it would be student-friendly and it has proven to be that. I was hoping it prove durable and its durability has been excellent, especially considering the large number of new users who are operating it year after year."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"To train our students we equip our laboratories with scanning equipment, 3D printers, milling machines for model making and the Virtual Clay modeler plus a special classroom equipped with 21 PC’s and all the special software needed. Digital scanning is a vital part of the process for our students, whose goal is to produce original consumer products from raw concept to working prototype. We make sure to teach them classic product development technique, which begins with formulating rough ideas, refining the ideas, them modeling them by hand from traditional materials like wood, paper and clay.

At that point we bring out the 21st-century toolbox. Our degree candidates learn 3D scanning, reverse engineering, upload to Polyworks CAD software, then milling and cutting with CNC machines. The course of study covers half a year of coursework and labs."

Source : Google Reader

Google Reader (1000+)

"by admin
(March 1, 2011) My experience with 3D laser scanning dates back to my days as a project manager with the global toy company LEGO. Three years ago, I switched fields into education, becoming a lecturer at VIA University College in Horsens, Denmark, my native country. Currently I coordinate the Innovation and Product Design curriculum, which is part of the Mechanical Engineering department at VIA."

Source : Google Reader