Pointe A Pitre, Guadeloupe
At Pointe A Pitre, Guadeloupe the mean temp is 25.58C (78.05F). 19.00C (66.20F) is the most cold monthly average low temperature (that presents itself in January, February, March) while 31.00C (87.80F) is the most hot monthly mean max temp recorded in the month of June, July, August, September, November. The annual mean temperature range is 4.00C. Precipitation in Guadeloupe comes to an average total of 1814.00mm (71.42in) per annum. That means that average monthly rainfall is 151.17mm (5.95in). August is the wettest month subject to an average of 244mm (9.61in) of rain, hail, sleet or snow falling across 23 days while in February, March only 66mm (2.60in) of rain falls. Guadeloupe’s climate receives 249 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Guadeloupe averages 77.58333333% over the year. 75% is the lowest mean monthly relative humidity to be found in March, August and 81% is the peak average monthly relative humidity that takes place in October & December. Guadeloupe’s weather receives 2719 hours of sunshine per year which is an average of 7.45 hours per day. There is a range of hours of sunlight from 7.0 per day in September, November to 8.3 per day in March. There is more info about the Guadeloupe climate temperature courtesy of this useful resource. Just visit the link to find out more. Free Guadeloupe climate graphs expose further information on the windspeeds in Guadeloupe.
Saint Denis, Reunion
In Saint Denis, Reunion the mean temp for the year is 23.63C (74.525F). 17.00C (62.60F) is the lowest monthly mean min temperature (to be found in July, August, September) while 30.00C (86.00F) is the most hot monthly average high temperature recorded in the month of January & February. There is an annual range of mean temperatures of 5.50C. Wet weather in Reunion is on average 1541.00mm (60.67in) per year. That means that average monthly rainfall is 128.42mm (5.06in). March is the most rainy month when an average of 290mm (11.42in) of rain, hail, sleet or snow falling across 18 days while in October only 44mm (1.73in) of rain falls over 12 days. Reunion’s climate is subject to 183 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Reunion averages 67.91666667% annually. 64% is the minimum average monthly relative humidity that presents itself in June, August, October and 75% is the highest mean monthly relative humidity ensueing in March. Reunion’s weather receives 2652 hours of sunlight per year equivalent to an average of 7.27 daily hours. The range of hours of sunshine is from an average of 6.7 per day in March to 7.7 per day in January. You can study more info about the weather in Reunion June thanks to the fantatastic website. Free Reunion climate charts display further information on the average temperatures in Reunion.
Malabo, Equatorial Guinea
In Malabo, Equatorial Guinea the mean temperature for the year is 24.92C (76.85F). 19.00C (66.20F) is the coolest monthly mean min temperature (which occurs in January) while 32.00C (89.60F) is the peak monthly average high temp that presents itself in the month of February, April. The annual mean temperature range is therefore 2.00C. Rainfall/ snowfall etc. in Equatorial Guinea totals on average 1890.00mm (74.41in) per year. This is equivalent to average monthly precipitation of 157.50mm (6.20in). July is the dampest month effected by an average of 284mm (11.18in) of precipitation occurring during 21 days while in February only 33mm (1.30in) of rain falls over 4 days. Equatorial Guinea’s weather receives an average of 172 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at Equatorial Guinea averages 90.16666667% annually. 85% is the most low average monthly relative humidity that presents itself in February and 95% is the highest mean monthly relative humidity transpiring in September. Equatorial Guinea’s weather is subject to an average of 1177 sunlight hours per year or 3.22 daily hours. Sunlight hours vary from 1.5 per day in July to 5.4 per day in February. You can get more info about the Equatorial Guinea temperatures in March at this brilliant resource. Free Equatorial Guinea climate graphs display further information on the wet days in Equatorial Guinea.
Source : Google Reader
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