Saturday, 9 June 2012

Smartphone Apps

What Enterprises Should Take Away from IDC's Latest Smartphone OS Forecast
ZDNet (blog)
For app makers, it can mean the difference between breaking even and
breakaway profits. And for enterprises, forecasts like this guide CIOs in
making their long-range infrastructure and hiring plans. And just to
refresh your memory, here is IDC's ...
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Top travel apps for Windows phone
Smartphone applications, these days, have become just as much a travel
necessity as a passport, according to Microsoft. It mentioned that with
apps, travellers can get help with planning their holidays, picking out the
best restaurants or entertainment ...
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Clambook: turn your smartphone into a laptop
ZDNet (blog)
The smartphone becomes the brains for the laptop, which can run all apps on
the bigger screen. The phone is dropped into a small dock which connects to
the laptop and charges the phone while being used. Supposedly the Clambook
will run any apps on the ...
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Windows to Throw Smartphone Market Wide Open
And if apps for Windows Phone are limited, most smartphone users will not
even consider it." Another is the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) to work
trend, Piper continued. "Companies that are allowing employees to use their
own devices to access company ...
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PC vendors to earn income via Windows 8 app recommendations
Taiwanese news site DigiTimes says Microsoft intends to change the profit
sharing from app sales; "After experiencing failures in challenging the
smartphone industry, Microsoft has changed its attitude for Windows 8.
Although Microsoft currently has ...
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ClamBook Turns Your Phone Into a Laptop
PC Magazine
The ClamBook will supersize apps from your smartphone onto a 13.3-inch LED
backlit display, with a WXGA resolution. Of course, this accessory will
also add a full-sized keyboard and multi-touch trackpad—though it remains
to be seen how well it will ...
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Microsoft's new app for Android lets you remotely control your smartphone
Android smartphone users can now remotely control their mobile phones.
Microsoft has launched an app for Android smartphones, that lets users
remotely control and program their devices. This new service called on{X},
is still in beta, ...
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