Saturday, 8 September 2012


Microsoft adding staff, R&D in China mobile push
Boston Globe
BEIJING — Microsoft Corp. will hire more than 1,000 additional employees
in China this year and boost research and development spending by 15
percent as it tries to catch up with Apple and Google in the fast-growing
mobile Internet market, executives ...
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Mobile phone towers attacked in north Nigeria
Huffington Post
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria — A radical Islamist sect that has attacked mosques,
churches, schools and government buildings at will in Nigeria appears to
have added a new target for its violence: mobile phone towers. Attacks in
the last day have damaged more ...
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Seattle's 2 Mobile Challengers, and Why Only 1 Might Succeed
Share on Twitter; Share on Facebook; Share on Linkedin; Share on Google. In
the span of two days, the Seattle region's two cornerstone technology
companies showed why they're the most credible challengers to the current
duopoly in mobile computing.
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Twitter Tops Facebook in Mobile Ad Revenues
PC Magazine
Despite Facebook's recent ad-related push, rival Twitter is besting the
social network when it comes to U.S. mobile ad revenue. According to a new
eMarketer report, Twitter earned $129.7 million in mobile ads this year,
while Facebook earned $72.7 million.
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Sony Mobile user accounts hacked in China & Taiwan
The hackers released a statement saying that they were able to access
customer information from Sony's mobile phone division through a
third-party data management firm. According to a Sony spokesperson, hackers
were able to obtain close to 400 user ...
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Cyber-thieves cash in on mobile phone fraud
BBC News
Cyber-thieves who target mobile phones are ramping up efforts to steal cash
from victims, suggests a report. In nine months viruses that steal cash
have jumped from 29% of mobile malware to 62%, found the report by Lookout.
Mobile security firm Lookout ...
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FCC TO Start Testing Mobile Broadband Speeds
With mobile data usage growing at such an exponential rate, the FCC has
found it fit to begin evaluating mobile broadband speeds in the US.
Beginning September 21st, the federal agency will begin providing customers
with detailed information about the ...
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Mobile Phone Privacy: Buck Stops With the User
Cellphone and smartphone users have a love-hate relationship with mobile
apps. While they love the functionality and enhanced user experience they
bring to the table, clearly many hate the perceived privacy intrusions,
suggests a newly released report ...
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Census mobile app a hit
Washington Post
It may be premature to call it a runaway hit, but in the first month since
the Census Bureau released its first mobile application, it's been
downloaded more than 32,000 times. The app, called America's Economy,
provides updated statistics from the ...
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