Sunday, 9 September 2012

Nokia Apps

10 Windows 8 apps for IT workers
When you look at the app offerings from Microsoft's Windows Store, the bulk
is made up of programs targeting a casual audience. Games seem to be
popular, for instance, making up a fifth of all apps currently listed in
the store. While there is nothing ...
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Nokia & Monster NYC Launch Event
Gstyle magazine
Apps such as the Nokia Maps which showed offline support. Giving you the
ability to download a whole city or country which is great for those exotic
destinations you may frequent and not have any data coverage. Another
things would be augmented reality ...
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Nokia's 920 Windows 8 smartphone: Early returns are in
PCWorld (blog)
A sore point of any Windows Phone handset is how few apps there are for it.
While there's nothing much the 920 can do about that, Nokia and Microsoft
have better app integration than their rivals, maintained The Telegraph's
Warman. "The package comes ...
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