Tuesday, 17 May 2011

[Alert] LastPass Security Compromised! Users Advised to Change Password

[Alert] LastPass Security Compromised! Users Advised to Change Password: "

LastPass stores all these online passwords in encrypted form. Even its tagline suggests that LastPass master passwords is the last password you will ever need. Ironically LastPass security seems to have been compromised and users might have problems accessing their passwords.

LastPass Logo thumb [Alert] LastPass Security Compromised! Users Advised to Change Password

LastPass has requested all its users to go ahead and change their passwords to secure their accounts.

LastPass on its blog mentioned

We noticed an issue yesterday and wanted to alert you to it. As a precaution, we’re also forcing you to change your master password.

In recent times, when almost everyone has 2-3 different online accounts for email, social, twitter and bookmarking – it is a good idea to store all the passwords in single place. LastPass is a popular service used by people who have many online accounts and use it on many different platforms.

But when the storage service itself might have issues, it can start a panic. At the moment it does not seem to be something major, but it has only been few hours. Real damage if any will be known in the days to come.

Read up complete review of LastPass and also check the dos and don’ts when it comes to online passwords here.

Do drop in your comments.

Source: LastPass Blog

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This Post [Alert] LastPass Security Compromised! Users Advised to Change Password is Published on Devils Workshop .

Source : Google Reader

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