Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Search Engine Mixed With Social Bookmarking [SearchTeam]

Search Engine Mixed With Social Bookmarking [SearchTeam]: "

The process of search for the end-user has not really changed over the past decade. Mostly we type in some keywords and get relevant results.

Search Team logo thumb Search Engine Mixed With Social Bookmarking [SearchTeam]

Social search is forcing people to change the way we use search. With SearchTeam, a user can search on certain things, along with a team. I find it a very useful tool, especially if you are a group of students who are researching a topic and need to do it collaboratively. Collaborative search surely decreases repetitive work by a team.

SearchTeam Features

  • I needed to register to use the service. Registration or sign-up can be done with your Linked in or Facebook account. I used my Google Account and that works too.

  • When it came to search, I could create different search projects and save links into folders.

SearchTeam folders thumb Search Engine Mixed With Social Bookmarking [SearchTeam]

  • I could invite my friends to join and carry out collaborative search. My friends added to the search project could look up and edit all the links.

SearchTeam invite friends thumb Search Engine Mixed With Social Bookmarking [SearchTeam]

Search Team’s Video Demo

I think this would work a lot better if you are in a study group and researching material together. It could be a great way to start a new research. Do drop in your comments.

Link: SearchTeam

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This Post Search Engine Mixed With Social Bookmarking [SearchTeam] is Published on Devils Workshop .


Source : Google Reader

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