Friday 28 October 2011

Grate tips on putting your grill away for the winter

Grate tips on putting your grill away for the winter:

Year-round grilling is a growing trend but if you’re not a fan of getting chilled while you grill now’s a good time to clean your grill and put it away for the season. In Consumer Reports recent Facebook chat, Bob Markovich, Home and Yard editor, offered step-by-step tips on how to clean and store your grill so it’s ready when you remove the cover next spring.

Burn off the gunk.
Heat up the grill one last time according to the manufacturer’s instructions to burn as much dried grease as possible off the grates before the final cleaning.

Clean the exterior. After the grill has cooled, use a soft cloth or sponge and mild dishwashing detergent on stainless steel exteriors and apply stainless polish afterward. For painted or enameled exteriors, use a non-scouring nylon brush and a 50-50 mix of water and white vinegar.

Then the interior. Use a nylon-bristle brush for porcelain-coated cast-iron grates, and steel­­—not brass­—brushes to clean uncoated cast-iron grates. Wash flavorizer bars with soapy water and a non-abrasive pad. Dry grates and bars thoroughly so rust doesn't form. Also remove and the drip pan and clean it with a scraper followed by a mild detergent and a non-scouring pad. Finally, hose off the interior and dry it as best you can.

For more tips, watch the video and check the advice from Consumer Reports experts.

Source: Google Reader

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