Tuesday 24 January 2012

Kodak film division still profitable

Kodak film division still profitable: Kodak film division still profitable

Kodak, which announced last week that it was filing for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy protection in the United States, has confirmed that its film division will survive as long as it remains profitable.

Speaking to the British Journal of Photography, a spokesperson for the business said "We have taken steps to sustain the business as it has declined, and we know that there are hundreds of passionate fans of film for the artistic and quality reasons they cite."


Several films, including a range of professional films, have been introduced or relaunched in the past three years, with the company claiming that there is still profitable demand for it.

Analogue photography has seen a resurgence in recent times, with firms such as Lomography, which produces cheap plastic film cameras, seeing increased popularity.

Silverprint, a UK distributor of film equipment, also speaking to the BJP said that it was worried that the "death" of Kodak had been misinterpreted by many as the final nail in the coffin for film and analogue photography, but disputed that fact, saying that sales of traditional film and paper had risen over the past 12 months.

Kodak filed for bankruptcy protection on 19th January after months of speculation that it would be doing so. It comes after years of falling profits for the company, which invented the digital camera but has focused its efforts on analogue photography and more recently, its printer division.

via British Journal of Photography

Source : Google Reader

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