Tuesday 5 April 2011

Google Reader (1000+)

"On U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East: 'They don't have any policy, their policy is just killing innocent people in Afghanistan and they killed millions in Iraq, just for one this: OIL. The world isn't safe with USA policies, they just attack, they just start wars, they use nuclear weapons (Hiroshima), they don't know anything about talking, see recent USA soldiers scandal in Afghanistan, they kill afghan people for fun. They should learn some basics, first basic thing they should learn is killing and destroying would not solve any of their problem. Killing people with nuclear weapon never solved anything, killing my country's nuclear scientist never solve their problem. I really care about earth future, when a country like USA and Israel with such administration try to rule it. Simply they failed.'

On whether he agrees with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Israel: 'Totally. Israel is 63 years old regime who occupied Palestinian people's land, they should let Palestinian people decide about thier own land, simply they occupied Palestine with help of ENTIRE world, including UK, USA and even Germany and others.'"

Source : Google Reader

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