Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Morning Meanderings…. live from CHICAGO! (and this is not a life blog)

Morning Meanderings…. live from CHICAGO! (and this is not a life blog): "


First of all let me say…. this is not a life blog.


it does seem like it recently….



Ok… lately I will admit it may be one.

“Where are the book reviews Sheila?”

I am reading…. I just have been flying through the days from morning to night lately and quite literally have had no time to write reviews. I plan on it, every day… then… I just do not get in to the house on time.

Currently I am in Chicago with my “life sisters”, Heidi, Sara, and Cindy. What is a life sister? Sisters I chose. Girls who are as close to me as sisters.

Oh… and the dork meter is set on high today so let’s have a little music shall we…

Heidi I met 20 years ago at Wal-Mart. We were Customer Service Managers together. Cindy came to work at Wal-Mart 16 years ago, and Sara I hired in the Housewares Department 13 years ago. We are a motley crue, but we try to do something once a month, many times just dinner to keep in touch.

Ok… back to Chicago. Yesterday was highly busy – we drove into Chicago at 9 am and spent the entire day (and evening) on the Navy Pier. We were on a Pirate ship, went to the top of the Sears Building, took the water taxi, seen the Buckingham Fountain…. had my first Chicago hot dog….

Cindy, Heidi, me, on top of the Sears building - 1,353 feet in the air..... :shock:

Cindy, Heidi, me, on top of the Sears building - 1,353 feet in the air...

Me and Sara - messing around... (yes that is a bit of road rash still on my face)

We pulled into out hotel at 9 pm and then, after we were settled in.. went out to dinner. Back at midnight…

And now we are off again.

I guess temporarily this is a life blog. Books are coming… they are … I promise. I have things to say :razz:


Source : Google Reader

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