A wise man once said that design competitions are like insurance for the consumers, as they provide incentive to progress. A fair enough assessment if you ask me, which is why we participate and go through the motions of innovating and progressing. Here is a look at the recent A’Design Award and Competition; a round up of the five best designs we liked.
1) Usb Speaker and Mic by Yen Lau
The speaker and mic work like a speakerphone and connect to the computer via USB. Whenever a call comes in, simply tell the computer to answer it, and use it as a hands-free device.
2) Vanilla by Sahar Madanat Haddad
An elegant chair that is inspired by the silver genration.
3) Fashion Interaction Dress by Gholamali Balouch
Fashion Interaction Dress is a communicative, interactive & programmable garment based on a wearable LED screen matrix. It interacts with users via joystick or other devices (USB port, webcam, etc.)
4) Spin Chair by Jesper Legaard Jensen
A classic yet characteristic design that exhudes life and personality. It can spin playfully when no one sits in it.
5) Live Screen Self-Sustaining Vertical Garden by Danielle Trofe
The Live Screen is a sculptural, self-irrigating vertical planter system that is comprised of tiered, organic-shaped pods that can house many different forms of vegetation. It promotes plant growth, sustains biodiversity, improves air quality and can serve as a healthy herb and produce source.
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(A’Design Award and Competition Roundup was originally posted on Yanko Design)
Source : Google Reader
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