Saturday 2 April 2011

Google Reader (1000+)

"Media and the web

With all the possible use cases for a 10-inch tablet, Samsung has whittled it down to focus on two important uses; web browsing and multimedia, and in both cases the 10.1v is a real stand out. With the power of the dual-core processor behind it, the web browser renders even complex pages like grease lightning and it handles HD video superbly. The 16GB of storage on-board will be enough for most users, though the lack of expandable memory will infuriate others.

Surprisingly, the tablet's 8-megapixel camera is also a fantastic feature. With auto-focus and an LED photolight, plus a range of pre-set white balanced settings and photo filters, we managed to take some sharp, colourful pics with the 10.1v.

Our only real concern is the lack of a direct HDMI connection or some sort of wireless media sharing option, like DLNA. This year a majority of the top-shelf smartphones and tablets will ship with these features and we'll expect to see them as we'll use these devices as much for sharing media as for consuming it. Not to have one or both of these options is a real oversight in this product like this."

Source : Google Reader

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