Saturday 2 April 2011

Google Reader (1000+)

"BMW M3 ute
by (Derek Fung)
Unlike many April Fool's news stories this car actually exists, but we doubt it'll ever go on sale, which is a shame really.

Unlike many April Fool's news stories this car actually exists, but we doubt it'll ever go on sale, which is a shame really.

(Credit: BMW)

Pick me up now

On a day when fantastic photoshopped news pieces rule, BMW has decided to roll out one of the coolest and cruellest April Fool's Day jokes, an M3 ute, or officially the M3 Pickup.

Unlike our Apple iBiz, Aussie airports using Kinect and screenless BlackBerry, the M3 ute actually does exist - it's been seen doing testing runs on Germany's famous Nurburgring track.

(Credit: BMW)"

Source : Google Reader

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