Mac users have been searching high and low on the internet for guides that will teach them how to remove flashback trojan from Mac. Hopefully, this guide is all that they’re going to need. It was recently reported that a vast number of Mac computers were infected with a trojan called flashback. Malware such as flashback is certainly not unheard of, but a very rare incident for Mac as these things usually infect Windows computers more.
The flashback trojan has been the cause of headache for Mac users around the world since September 2011. It belongs to a pre-existing family of malware designed specifically for Mac OS X. Ever since the first version was discovered back in the aforementioned date, Apple has tried patching these malware versions through various software updates. Last month it was revealed that as much as 600,000 Mac computers around the world had been infected by Flashback. That’s not all. The infected Mac computers have been combined in a botnet using which cybercriminals can install additional malicious modules.
Simply put, it doesn’t take a genius to understand the gravity of this situation. Apple is working quite hard to release a software update that will put an end to flashback trojan once and for all. In the meantime, users are trying to learn how to remove flashback trojan from Mac. Kaspersky, a well known security firm, has stepped up and offered a utility to Mac users through which they can determine whether or not their respective Mac computers are infected by flashback.
Kaspersky has set up a website called Mac users can log on to this site, and enter their Mac UDID. The UDID will then be cross-referenced with a gigantic list of UDIDs confirmed to be infected with flashback. If, unfortunately, your device is infected, Kaspersky will offer a free trial version of it’s software for download. This software will remove flashback trojan from your Mac OS X computer.
Usually posting your device UDID online is not considered safe, however Kaspersky has an excellent reputation and is a well known security firm. The firm has also revealed that flashback incidents are now started to drop, this may be due to the two Java updates Apple has recently released. More updates are to follow suit soon, for sure. Right now if you want to know how to remove flashback trojan from Mac, this is the easiest and the safest way to do it.
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- Flashback Trojan Mac Fix Released By Apple In New Java Update
- LuckyCat Trojan For Mac OS X Spreading Through Microsoft Word Documents
- Kaspersky Lab Discover Brand New Netbook Already Infected With Viruses
- Android Trojan Hits China
- Microsoft won’t patch rootkit infected Windows XP computers
Source : Google Reader
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