Thursday 17 March 2011

Google Reader (507)

Google Reader (507): "by markabuckley
Anyone else other than me get frustrated with an almost unusable Virgin + box (I have the SA one) from midnight till 12.30-1 or so depending on how long update takes ?

I'm often watching TV past 12 - and I find it so frustrating that the box becomes slow and almost at some points completely unresponsive and I'd go as far as saying unusable

even more annoying is that it affects pllayback of recordings as well - so last night I had a nice spoiler (thanks !!) for a program that I was winding through adverts, that wouldn't stop - winding till the end of the program !

why can't the update start at 2 or something ? surely there'd be much less people at that time of the morning ?"

Source : Google Reader

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