Thursday, 17 March 2011

Google Reader (523)

Google Reader (523): "by DarthFader
Are there many LotR:O players on DS? What do you think now that Free to Play has been in for a while? Do you like the things to buy in the in game shop?

For me (and if anyone loves the books, films or want a more mature MMO I would recommend having a peek) I love the fact that everytime I play, I am usually invited to a friendy PUG fellowship where as before sometimes it was painful trying to get a group together. The staters areas are teeming with life.

As someone who is a casual player I am also grateful that I could get a mount that was as fast as and had as much health as the kinred horses but I can understand why people would be hacked off with that if they worked for ages for it.

I also love the new tasks feature as this helped me to get kinred with Bree on a new toon much quicker than before.

I also feel they are giving quicker updates and also have learnt from previous mistakes and really trying to whip up some excitment about the expansion Isenguard which is due out at the end of this year. Anyway enough of me waffling on, what do others think?


Source : Google Reader

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