Monday 28 March 2011

Google Reader (1000+)

"One of the first benefits I noticed was the translation between the eScan scanner and our CNC machine, which is truly seamless. For one job, a Snoopy figure, United Artists supplied me with an artist’s maquette that was not the exact pose needed for the scaled-up figure. However, I was able to purchase a $3 Snoopy toy in the correct pose, scan it, submit the file and get it quickly approved. Brand standards are stringent about proportions and shapes, but with scanner technology I know what I send them is spot-on. There is great ease of use with eScan—carrying my laptop and the scanner into our main studio I can scan a human-size object in one morning, if I need to.

For a small additional investment we have upgraded our eScan to higher-resolution captures. Again, the result is great accuracy and even less finish work, especially on the peripheral geometry of complex pieces like a pioneer wagon and horse team. Our next upgrade will be a higher-resolution lens, and at that point we will be accurate up to two-thousandths of an inch, which the human eye basically can’t detect."

Source : Google Reader

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