Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Add Custom Jumlists to any Program with Jumplist Extender

Add Custom Jumlists to any Program with Jumplist Extender: "

Jumplists are one of the important features of Windows 7 taskbar. Jumplists allows you to quickly access site features directly from the Windows 7 taskbar. Jumplist Extender is freeware and easy-to-use program that lets you add custom jump lists to any of your programs. You can completely customize the way jumplists needs to be displayed for your program. You can add tasks, categories, link and separators to your favourite programs in Windows.

Jumplist Extender

You can create a new jumplist or edit an existing one. There is also option to import an existing pack. Once you select the option, you need to select the application for which you want to create. You can add any number of tasks and set the properties for these tasks using the tool.

Related Reading: Create a Jumplist of Favorite Programs in Windows 7 with Seven Jump


You can add any file or folder to your jumplist and even rename them on the list. You can use AutoHotKey scripting to extend and add functionality to your programs, easily accessible from your own jumplist. Once you have created a jumplists, you can share the pack with friends so that they can just import it to the application.

Jumplist extender is a nice tool to create custom jumplists


Download Jumplist Extender

Related posts:

  1. Create a Jumplist of Favorite Programs in Windows 7 with Seven Jump

  2. Change Windows 7 Taskbar Icons for Applications

  3. How to Disable Frequent Lists in Firefox 4 Jumplist in Windows 7

  4. Windows 7 Application Launcher- 7APL

Source : Google Reader

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