Friday 19 August 2011

Morning Meanderings… The Funniest Things Can Happen On Twitter

Morning Meanderings… The Funniest Things Can Happen On Twitter:

Good morning! Wednesday already!

A few days ago, Sunday I think, I had worked on cleaning the house all day, ran a few errands, made dinner… and eventually made it downstairs to curl up in my favorite chair.

I logged on to my laptop… opened up Tweet Deck and tweeted this:

@bookjourney: Ahhhh… finally… in my favorite chair with my favorite blanky and a little down time between lap top and TV. Anything good on?

*a minute later cell phone is ringing upstairs* I sign and tweet:

@bookjourney: Things that annoy… downstairs in fav chair, cozy blanket, and lap top and cell phone is ringing upstairs….

As I am preparing to go upstairs to check it…. I see this message on twitter:

@missremmersreviews: that’s just me. Ignore it. haha

I respond…

@bookjourney: wha?

@missremmersreviews: I texted. Whoops.

@missremmersreviews: Bad timing. LOL

(So if you are following this craziness… I am complaining that I am all cozy downstairs in my chair with my blanket when the cell phone rings upstairs, only to find out that reagan (Miss Remmers Reviews) – who is also on twitter at this same time is the one who is calling me. :razz:

Then another voice chips in:

@bonjourcass: @MissRemmers @bookjourney hahahaha


Ok.. that was pretty funny. Turns out Reagan was texting me to complain that my post with all the audio book suggestions had added greatly to her TBR. :D

Ahhhhh…. my work as a book blogger is now complete. :D

Have an awesome day…. I have no workout to report as instead I came home yesterday, wrote a bit, and mowed my lawn which is a three-hour audio fest. (The audio? One Tuesday Morning – SO GOOD!)

Source : Google Reader

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