Saturday, 6 August 2011

airport refuses to cooperate with router (iMac 10.5.8)

airport refuses to cooperate with router (iMac 10.5.8): "
Well you may or may not recognize me as posting here previously, but my iMac is giving me heck again. Posting this from an iPhone a few feet from our router.

This is not a router issue except for the fact that the airport will not cooperate with the router. I know it is not a router issue because 1) I already brought the iMac upstairs and connected directly to the router through Ethernet 2) this happened three days ago as it has happened previously 3) I'm able to connect via iPhone to our wireless network just fine.

Basically, I know the problem. The airport (card?) will not find the wifi signal and provide my iMac with the proper DHCP setting to give me an IP address.

What is weird is that in my attempts to "fix" this problem, it seems the Airport can actually SEE our network (we call it cainbollen) as when it searches for networks after I re-add Airport, it's able to give me this network as an option to list it for an Airport connection.

Here's what I have attempted so far:

-reset the pram

-delete Airport under the Network option (leaving Ethernet and Bluetooth) and re-add Airport as a connection

-renew DHCP settings manually by providing the appropriate IPs and router (this is also how I know airport is "reading" our network; if I give a number in use it tells me)

-renew DHCP automatically

-powercycled the router (Belkin) and modem (comcast) and iMac (even though I know it's not a powercycle possibility)

-gone into the system library and deleted the appropriate files and rebooted

-deleted and re-added our network as a listing related to DHCP and network settings

I really don't know what else to do.

It's maddening---each time this has happened it us usually a " wait it out " attitude. Meaning that say if I went to bed, the connection is fine in the morning. Last time was three days ago and it took several hours. Now it's been more than a day. I was online fine last night at about 6 pm; 11 pm and nothing.

I've heard maybe static electricity could be a culprit? Could it be dust in the computer? It is a bit dusty downstairs in the basement where this iMac is housed.

This is maddening and I need the **** thing to be online to access crucial documents online. I'd rather not drag the whole mess up a floor and connect directly to the router via Ethernet but if that is what I will have to do then I guess I can deal with it. Problem is that the permanent home for the computer, at least for now, is downstairs.

Source : Google Reader

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