Saturday, 6 August 2011

I made the switch

I made the switch: "
All I can say is holy bat computers, Batman . I went to the Apple Store thursday and bought the lowest end 13" MacBook Pro they had $1199. I got the student discount so $1099. This was a lot of cashola for me :$:$:$. I can't believe I have spent the last 15+ years on a PC. This thing is like driving a Ferrari :Cool:. I truly think that this low end MacBook is better than any high end PC I have ever had my hands on. I've had it for just over 24 hours and I can't believe what all it can do. I can only imagine what I will learn in the weeks to come. I can't wait.

Please share with me all the cool things you like to do with your Mac. I am drowling over here waiting to learn new things. I just can't stop playing with it. LOL ... I'm talking about the Mac.

Source : Google Reader

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