Welcome back to the GearGames weekly video game release feature here at Gear Diary!
We have now hit the rock bottom doldrums of the summer release drought – but don’t despair, as the coming weeks have some major releases to look forward to, stuff like Deus Ex: Human Revolution. For this week? The only one of note is Fruit Ninja Kinect, a fun action game using the XBOX 360′s human motion controller.
And while there isn’t really anything else big getting released, there are a few other releases this week – read on to find out!
- Fruit Ninja Kinect (XBLA – $10)
- Kyotokei and Fruit Ninja Kinect
- No new releases
- Kyotokei (WiiWare – $5)
- No new releases
- Crazy Hamster (DSiWare/eShop – $1.99)
- Go! Go! Kokopolo (DSiWare/eShop – $7.99)
- My Asian Farm (DSiWare/eShop – $1.99)
- No new releases
Some notes from last week:
- Limbo (download)
- Excellent visual and audio design and loads of fun and replayability! - Pirates of Black Cove (download – $20)
- Decent basic idea meets tons of bugs and poorly implemented features that ultimately ruin the experience.
What games am I playing now? Here is a sampling:
- PC: Test Drive Unlimited 2 – I loved the original and had grabbed this a while ago on a mega-sale… but after playing the beta I was in no rush, and sadly this is as mediocre as I feared.
- PC: Fable III – more of an action-adventure than a RPG, still has some fun to offer.
- Mac: Dungeon Siege III – just getting started after grabbing the Amazon sale, seems like a fun addition to the franchise.
So what are you playing? Chime in below!
Enjoy gaming!
Tags: Console Gaming, Games & Gaming, Microsoft, Nintendo, PC Gaming, Sony
Source : Google Reader
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